
There is an age-old tradition of warm hospitality that exists in Lebanese culture. In a Lebanese household, food is life and sharing it is one of the great joys of being alive. In the Arabic world eating is not just to quench the hunger – it is rather an essential sociable festival of delicious appetizers, rich appealing tastes and enticing colors! It is healthy, enjoyable and a connecting element which brings people together.

The Lebanese diet is rich and brings many lovely flavors in your mouth. It is delicate, fresh and really filling at the same time.

Choose from the array of delicious food and experience the combination of lip-smacking taste and health-friendly dishes. Lebanese food and Middle Eastern cuisine has plenty to offer vegans and vegetarians. We place priority on freshness and quality in all fresh processed products. Fat has traditionally been used only sparingly and at every meal a plenty of fresh, raw vegetables and the appetizers mostly vegetarian.

So come and sit at a table in Al Diwan Bali, from the moment you enter let us take you on a journey to ignite your taste, sights and senses. The décor and ambiance is perfect for sharing food but more importantly a moment with friends and family, we hope to see you all very soon